New Moon in Leo

New Moons are a time of new beginnings and the New Moon in Leo signifies love, creativity, passion and romance. Leo is fun loving and enchanting like a child, so now is the time to re-connect to your child like sense of wonder and awe and rediscover yourself and your heart. When we radiate love,…

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Zen Enchantment – For a Peaceful, Serene & Tranquil start to your day!

I love getting up at 5.00am in the summer time, it is completely rejuvenating and blissful. On rising, I connect to the earth and my root chakra, grounding myself to Mother Earth. My foundation is strong and I feel balanced in body, mind and spirit. My favourite part of the day is watching the beautiful…

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Super Moon – Capricorn in Full Moon

  Capricorn Full Moon is a Super Moon. It is closest to the Earth than any other time and in direct alignment with the sun and the earth making it extra intense. During this powerful full moon, every frequency of experience is available. You can choose which frequency you are vibrating from by bringing awareness…

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Connecting with our Chakras on this auspicious day!

WOW! The energies on this auspicious day is so powerful. The 11th day of the month is the perfect time for us to connect with Spirit, ask for guidance and pray for the greater good of mankind. The number 11 is a powerful master number that is a gateway between Heaven and Earth. We are…

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What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda meaning science of life, is the sister science of yoga, which teaches us the art of living in balance with nature and provides the tools we can apply to every aspect of our lives to increase our health and well-being. We all have a pre-set balance of the 3 biological elements vata, pitta and…

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The Benefits of Abhyanga Massage

Fantastic first day on the challenge yesterday. It was great to hear everyone loving their yoga practice and delicious recipes! <3 I love getting up before the sunrise to practice yoga. There is a deep stillness in the air and I can feel Mother Earth radiating her peace through the silence. After my yoga practice…

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11:11 The Gateway between Heaven and Earth

11 is a powerful number  that acts as a gateway between Heaven & Earth. When you see this number often, it is a message sent from Heaven and your Angels want you to know that they are helping you along your journey. I first started noticing this in my life in November 2011. I see the…

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The Divine Synchronicity of 11:11

11:11 is a divine number and a gateway between Heaven and Earth where our angels and Spirit Guides communicate with us confirming we are on the right path.  The number 11 is considered to be a Master Number and holds the qualities of Spirituality, Intuition, Sensitivity, Patience and Honesty. When you see the number 11…

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The launch of 21 Day Beach Body Yoga Challenge and my intentions!

Good morning yogis! I have had every intention this year to blog more frequently, however, life has been getting in the way and I have quite literally not had the time! Things are about to change! 🙂 Yesterday at Gorton Monastery, we celebrated at one with change and it was amazing. As always, the energy…

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