Cure your back pain naturally programme


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In just 8 weeks you will learn how to take control of your own health and get rid of your back pain for good!

Over the course of the programme you will discover natural remedies that heal back pain, strengthen your willpower and restore health and vitality in your body, mind and Spirit.

The human body is extremely powerful, intelligent and very capable of healing itself naturally providing we create the right environment for healing to occur. Your healing journey begins when you accept that you are responsible for your own health and well-being.

Our natural state is health, and healing comes from inside of our self. Once we decide to take our health into our own hands and cure ourselves from all this pain and suffering, amazing and wonderful things happen. We open up to the divine life force energy and create lasting changes deep within our consciousness accessing the power of self-healing.

All of our pain stems from a lack of understanding our true Self. Pain is the body’s way of communicating with us. It is trying to get our attention to let us know something in our lives has to change. It is important for us to open up the lines of communication between the body and mind so we can really listen to what the body wants us to know. When we change our lifestyle and learn to listen to our body, our consciousness expands and our perceptions and reality changes. By bringing balance to our body, mind and Spirit, we become whole. In this wholeness, disease falls away and health becomes present.

mind body spirit

During the course of this programme, you will learn how to integrate the ancient traditions of yoga and ayurveda to unite balance in your body, mind and Spirit. When yoga is practiced with a therapeutic intention to heal and restore the body and mind, we can experience profound results.

Yoga therapy helps us to become more aware of our body, mind and emotions. Using relaxation, breathing techniques, postures and meditation, yoga therapy promotes healing and restores balance to all of our systems. It opens up energetic pathways so we can release blockages, free trapped energy and get rid of pain and unpleasant feelings.

Ayurveda text keywords Mortar with Brown Grunge

Ayurveda meaning ‘science & wisdom of life’ is an ancient Indian philosophy and healing system based on a deep understanding of the body, mind & spirit in relation to living in balance & harmony with Mother Nature, the seasons and our environment.

Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga.

It originated in India over 5,000 years ago and provides us with tools that we can apply to every aspect of our lives to maintain optimal health and well-being. Ayurveda uses diet, lifestyle, herbs and bodywork to heal the body-mind and to prevent illness and disease. It is one of the most powerful and superior treatments that provide healing at the root cause level. It works on the gross and subtle bodies. When we treat the subtle layers of our existence, it has a positive effect on the gross layers changing the physical structures and allowing healing to occur.

You will learn how to eat correctly for your unique mind-body type and discover the best foods that heal the body and mind. Your 21 day healing cleanse plan will include of an abundance of high vibration foods that help to restore all systems of your body. All recipes are super easy to make and are completely delicious! The whole of your family will enjoy your new recipes!

The programme consists of 8 weekly sessions 

Monday 12th September until Monday 31st October 2016

every Monday morning 10.00 – 12.00pm

@ Gorton Monastery

Week 1: Introduction to natural healing 

The first session will be an introduction to the course preparing you for what to expect on the programme.We will go over the foundations of natural healing and how living an ayurvedic yoga lifestyle can heal you on a deep cellular level. You will set your intentions for the programme and have sincere faith in your healing abilities. Each week we will work on removing any negative thoughts that creep in, so you can remain focused on your end goal of a life free from pain.

The practical elements of this first session will consist of very basic yoga poses to assess your range of movement, flexibility and strength. Your personalized yoga therapy programme will be designed for your level of ability and you will receive a daily routine to follow that fits in with your lifestyle to restore health and well-being.

You will have the opportunity to share your story in a warm supportive environment with people that are suffering with chronic back pain just like you. (There’s a maximum of 8 people in the group to keep it personal so you can get the greatest amount of benefit from the experience).

You will also discover my story…

The reason why I’m so passionate about sharing this programme with you!

“Discover how yoga helped me to overcome chronic back pain after breaking my back 12 years ago. I found the natural cure for back pain when I changed my lifestyle and started practicing yoga every day. It was a miracle! I’d finally got rid of my pain after suffering for almost 7 years!

5 and half years later… I’m the healthiest and happiest I have ever been and completely pain free!”

Week 2 – 7: The Core of your Healing Journey

Each session will begin with an evaluation of your programme to see how you are getting on with your personalized ayurvedic yoga therapy plan. Any adjustments if necessary may be made at this point. Your pain management and lifestyle diary will be assessed and advice given to help you on your journey to overcoming your pain.

Every mental state creates a corresponding state in the body and every action in the body has its corresponding effect on the mind. Swami Vivekananda

The mind and body are so intricately connected one cannot exist without the other. It is important to look at the body as a whole when dealing with any type of pain. The physical pain you experience creates mental and emotional symptoms that further deepen your pain and cause additional imbalance in your systems. Illness has both physical and mental components. When there is imbalance in the mind it has a direct impact on the body and vice versa. We cannot treat one without the other.We will work on your mind-set to remove any limitations that are affecting you from achieving your goals. Changing the neural pathways and the conversation going on between the body and mind is an important element to healing to the root cause of your complaint.

Once you are happy with your assessment and confident you are on the right path to healing with reduced pain and more mobility and freedom of movement, we will move on to the yoga therapy practice that will follow the same course each week.

yoga nidra

Relaxation is fundamental to healing us on all levels. When we relax we allow the cells in our body to reset themselves  and come back into harmony. It is in deep rest and relaxation that we heal. Relaxation turns off the stress response and promotes healing. The energy that was focused on stress and dis-ease is now directed towards growth, repair and healing. Relaxation exercises allow us to step outside of the pain and suffering drama and into a new reality of health and well-being.

The most important thing for us to do is relax, get out of our own way and let the body do what it is design to do… Heal!

Each session we will begin with yoga nidra.

Yoga nidra meaning yoga sleep induces complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.

Yoga nidra is the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness. You may appear to be asleep in yoga nidra, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. You are in a state between being awake and being asleep and the mind is extremely receptive.

When the body is in this deep state of relaxation, you drift between consciousness and unconsciousness. It is important to be fully awake in your mind to discover the true benefits of yoga nidra.

This practice is excellent for allowing the body, mind and spirit to heal on a deep cellular level. All dis-harmony in the body and mind can be brought into balance during yoga nidra. This powerful technique will train your subconscious mind to cure disease, restore health and vitality.

The sequence that we follow during the rotation of consciousness at the beginning of the practice induces pranic energy through the entire nervous system allowing the body to completely let go and relax. The energy is directed to where it is needed in the body to promote and speed up healing.

Yoga Nidra gives you power over your own mind. During the deeper states of relaxation induced, the mind becomes receptive and the deeper layers of our psyche become conscious enabling us to re-program our thought patterns.

We all have the innate power to reshape our mind and mental structure. Whatever seeds we plant in the subconscious mind grow and influence all aspects of our lives. The suggestions we impart on the subconscious mind remove negative habits and thought processes.

We can direct the mind in yoga nidra to achieve anything we desire. This practice strengthens ajna chakra and your divine consciousness. The visualizations we use in yoga nidra have powerful associations that bring memories and samskaras from our unconscious to conscious mind. We can purge the mind of negative and painful memories and associations related to your condition.

Regular practice of yoga nidra will help you to change your thought patterns and create new ways of thinking. During this practice, our thought forms re-structure and we strengthen the positive neural pathways that we are developing during the day with our intentions and affirmations. The more we repeat our intentions and affirmations with firm belief and faith, the stronger they become and will inevitably manifest in our lives.


Physical postures open the body energetically so we can heal on a deep cellular level.

The physical poses we use in yoga therapy strengthen and stretch specific muscles and help to improve posture. Circulation is improved and nutrients are carried into the intervertebral discs while toxins are removed. The discs do not have their own blood supply so in order for nutrients to be absorbed in the discs we must move the spine in all planes of movement. Specific yoga poses open, stretch, bend, twist and wring out tension and toxins and are also very effective at delivering the oxygen and nutrients to the discs.

extended mountain (2)

Yoga also brings awareness to your posture which will help to re-align the spine, open the vertebrae, increase nutrient supply and reduce pain. Simple techniques of standing tall and correcting your posture will massively reduce your back pain.

Pranayama is an important part of healing and will be included after the asana practice along with guided meditation. Prana is the invisible life force that creates movement of all things in creation. The higher our prana,  the stronger our resistance to illness and our ability to eliminate toxins and heal.

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Energies flow from the chakras (the main energy centres in the body) along energy channels also known as nadis. We have 72,000 nadis in  our bodies that transport prana (life force) to every single organism in our being. The 3 main nadis are ida (lunar, feminine energy), pingala (solar, masculine energy) and sushumna (central channel). These energies move up and down the spinal column balancing and energizing each of the chakras.

When our nadis become blocked, disease manifests in the body. The most effective way of purifying the nadis is by practicing pranayama.

Pranayama raises our vibrations, energy levels and balances both hemispheres of the brain to initiate healing and higher states of consciousness. When we bring awareness to the breath; the senses, mind and repressed emotional issues come up for us to deal with. We must work through these to release our pain and develop spiritually.

For the average individual, there are areas of consciousness that remain in darkness. By awakening to higher states of consciousness and becoming aware of pranic energy, we illuminate these dark areas bringing light and space into the body and mind. This kind of awareness opens us up to a new dimension of existence where we can tap into the healing potential of our divine self and spirit.

Fresh meditation

Lower vibrational thoughts and feelings use maximum prana and leave us feeling depleted and exhausted, which leads to anxiety and depression. Practicing pranayama charges the pranas and increases our vibrations, giving us an abundance of energy and increases our healing potential. Our thoughts and intentions become empowered so we can achieve our desired outcome.

By bringing awareness to the breath and paying attention to the inhalation and exhalation, we can calm the body and mind, relaxing all of our systems and bring about positive shifts in our health.

Breath awareness in yoga therapy is very effective for reducing pain, stress and aiding in muscle relaxation. Deep breathing brings in more oxygen which also helps to increase nutrient supply in the spinal discs.

Yoga helps to clear the mind of negativity and increases your prana and energy levels. Ir teaches us how to control the mind by controlling the breath. We recognize the connection between the breath, mind and emotions. Quite often people struggle with pranayama in yoga, this is because they are not used to breathing efficiently they only shallow breathe into the top of their lungs instead of breathing down into the abdomen. Learning to breathe correctly will empower you to be healthier, happier and much more vibrant.


Meditation is a great way to learn how to relax the body and mind. By focusing on the breath we allow the thoughts to just pass by not giving them any energy. Focusing the mind this way brings us into the present moment. When we relax in meditation, physically we let go of tension and muscular aches and pains start to decrease. We feel calmer, more relaxed and find day to day activities much easier to deal with.

Meditation helps us to control our mind and provides a great opportunity for us to be self-aware in our actions and difficult situations. It teaches us to be more present in our lives so we can be more mindful in our interactions.

Meditation is extremely powerful and a great way to relax and revitalize the whole being, body, mind, heart and spirit, enhancing energy, strength and vitality.

Regular practice of meditation calms the mind and central nervous system, reducing anxiety, stress and depression. Serotonin levels increase, influencing mood and behaviour which helps to control thoughts and focus in the mind. Creativity is also increased.

There will be time at the end of each session for questions and you will leave feeling uplifted, positive, happier and in much less pain.

Week 8: Celebrations!

The final session will be a special ceremony celebrating your successes on the programme.

After the yoga practice we will have a sharing circle to discuss how the programme has helped you to overcome your pain and where you are at now on your journey.

I love hearing how much this programme transforms my clients lives. My biggest achievement in life was overcoming chronic back pain after breaking my back and it fills my heart with joy knowing that my healing journey helps others to overcome their pain and suffering too!

You will receive a complimentary yoga lifestyle paln suited to your new level of ability so you can continue with your yoga journey and new way of living.

Light refreshments will be provided and you are welcome to bring a dish or snack with you from the recipe plans on your cleanse.


Here is what you will receive upon commencing the programme: –

* Initial consultation via telephone or skype at the beginning of the programme

* Pain management and lifestyle diary to keep track of your pain so you can become aware of what eases your pain and what makes it worse

* 8 x 2 hour yoga therapy sessions in a small group setting

* A yoga therapy programme tailored specifically for your back condition and lifestyle

* Step by step guidance on how to heal your back pain naturally

* A 21 day ayurvedic cleanse to heal your back pain with natures medicine – food and herbs

* You will be offered an abundance of motivation and support towards achieving your goals consistently throughout the entire programme and beyond!

PLUS… * Free access to the online cure your back pain naturally programme (usually £222) * Includes daily inspiration, articles on natural healing, 11 yoga videos, meditations, weekly guidance calls and access to the private Facebook group where you can connect with others also on their own healing journey *

The investment of the Cure your back pain naturally programme is just £333!

Special Offer for the Bank Holiday Weekend:

We are offering a super discount this weekend only…

Sign Up for the 8 week Cure your back pain naturally programme for just £222

and receive the Online programme (usually £222) completely free!

Saving you a total of £333!

The Online option is available half price this weekend only… That’s just £111 to relieve your back pain and completely transform your life!

Cure Back Pain Naturally Programme

I’m an advocate of numerology since awakening to the divine synchronicity of 11:11 in 2011.

Numerology for the Special Bank Holiday Offers:

There is so much power in numbers. 222 is a very powerful vibration. The number 2 represents faith, trust, encouragement, attainment, success and adaptability.

222 has to do with balance, manifesting, miracles and timeless opportunities.

Money is energy on paper, when you invest in this programme you take on the energy and vibration of the amount of money exchanged. You attract an abundance of all the above qualities and miracles show up in your life.

1 represents the Oneness of us all. We are all associated by thought and our thoughts are connected to one another.

11 is the divine gateway between heaven and earth. When the number 11 shows up repeatedly in our lives it is a sign our angels are trying to get our attention, they want to help us along our journey. Pay attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they are answers to your prayers.

111 signifies a changing point in your life. An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring they match your desires. What you think, you become. Manifest health and healing with this powerful vibration.

Cure Back Pain Naturally Programme

There are only 8 places available on this programme to keep it personal so you receive the greatest amount of benefits from the experience. The investment is £333 however, if you feel as though you really want to commit to this course and are struggling financially, please get in touch. We are happy to accommodate anyone that needs help to overcome their pain and do not want money issues to come in the way.  Half the proceeds are donated to The Monastery of St Francis & Gorton Trust and used to support the ongoing maintenance and conservation of this precious heritage site and into the wide range of education, skills, arts and health projects run by the Trust in the community.

For more information or if you have any questions please email Sharon Calvert:



Ayurvedic Yoga Lifestyle


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