Ayurvedic Cleanse Plans

Get access to all 21 Day Ayurvedic Cleanse Plans here for just £11


Once you know your unique mind-body type, it is possible to avoid illness and maintain optimal health and well-being all year round. Ayurveda teaches us to live in harmony with the changes that are constantly occurring around and within us. For example, eating cooling foods in summer time to balance pitta; and reducing heavy foods in spring time to balance kapha. When we understand how the doshas flow with the tides of nature, we can stay in balance by adapting our diets and lifestyle. Kapha season is when it is cold and wet, during late winter through to early spring. Pitta season is summer time or when it is hot, and vata season is when it is cold and windy during autumn and early winter.

These 21 day Ayurvedic Cleanse plans are filled with delicious mouth watering recipes that are nourishing and satisfying. You can get all 3 of them here for just £11 so you can stay in balance all year round.

Ayurvedic Yoga Lifestyle

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