Spiritual Healing & Angel Guidance
We are all Spiritual Beings here on Earth having a human experience. Once we awaken to this liberating knowledge our consciousness expands and we see the Light in everything and everyone.
Learn how to open up to your divine self and heal every aspect of your being; physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual.
Connect with your angels and spirit guides to receive divine guidance from them for all those questions you struggle to find answers for. They are always and will always be by your side helping you along your journey.
Treatments include a variety of holistic therapies including; spiritual healing, chakra clearing, angelic guidance, massage, meditation and yoga therapy depending purely on what you want to achieve during the session.
Sharon works directly with Spirit and is an intuitive healer trusting the Universe and Angels to guide her on what modalities are best for her clients. The sheer beauty and amazement of how accurate the guidance is 100% of the time leaves both Sharon & her clients in awe at the magnificent power of the divine beings working with us in all of our endeavours!
You will leave the session feeling elated, connected to Spirit and have a sense of peace and clarity in your whole being trusting that everything is in divine perfect order right now!
Investment for your Spiritual Healing & Angel Guidance:
30 minutes £ 33
60 minutes £ 55
90 minutes £ 77
Angel Reading £33
I really enjoyed last night and came away with a complete feeling of inner peace, calm and tranquility. I felt totally focused on the true essence of me. The energy in the room from beginning to end was incredible, extremely powerful and positive. I was very aware of it and its vibrations. I awoke this morning with that same feeling of inner peace and have managed to keep it with me throughout the day.
I shall definitely try to meditate every day now. It was incredible to share the meditation with others and listen to their experiences too, all positive. Thank you Sharon and I look forward to meditating with you again soon x Kim Thompson
Kim Thompson
I'm still floating after my amazing experience at this Monday’s spiritual evening. I have been lucky enough to attend a few of them. They are always uplifting and intense but this one was spectacular!
We began by having our aura's "chinged". The atmosphere was so relaxed and loving, as always. Sharon invited us to ask a question of her Earth Angel cards and, after we had all drawn a card, we meditated on our message. During this meditation, the energy was incredible and I felt very distinct wing beats across my body. I received so much healing and love!
After Sharon explained our messages fully, we feasted on the many kinds of kitcheri on offer. Everyone had brought a different kind, each one was delicious in its own way. I got so many ideas for my own kitcheri making. We all felt so comfortable that we didn't want to leave!
Eventually, we had to but before we did, each person placed a gift on the gift blanket and received another in return. I was drawn to a book on learning to heal and I am looking forward to absorbing as much of it as I can. I want to thank Sharon and everyone who attended, it was an amazing evening and I'm blessed to have met each and every one of you. Xxxxxxxxxxx
Gemma Rafferty
Start your healing journey now with this energizing Meditation:
Liberation Through the Chakras - A Spiritual Awakening!
“I feel that I have grown spiritually due to Sharon's experience and support. I now feel ready to take the next steps in order to continue to include yoga and meditation in my daily routine.”
Sarah Evans
“I have had a great experience because I have a great yoga teacher. There are so many positive results I have had since taking your classes, but if I had to pick one it would be my overall sense of well-being, physically, mentally and spiritually.”
Suzan Aydin
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